Empowering Change

Our Story

Saving Sierra High, (also known as ‘SUSD Saving Sierra High Measure U Committee’) is a local committee committed to upgrading critical campus facilities through community support and a bond measure in November 2024.

The mission of Saving Sierra High began as a response to the pressing need for modernization of the aging infrastructure at the Sierra High campus, dating back nearly a century.

Saving Sierra High has proudly served the Sierra Unified School District community, rallying support for campus improvements and advocating for a better learning environment for students and staff.


Who is “Saving Sierra High”
‘SUSD Saving Sierra High Measure U Committee’

We are a group of community volunteers who have seen the need for the passing of this Bond. In no particular order, the following community members are spearheading this initiative:
Community Members Dawn Purdy, Nicole Ward, Hayley Ferguson, Peter and Nicole McManus, Monte and Kathleen Bisko, Wade Kimbler, Owen Purdy, David Rivas, Carli Walker; SUSD Board Members Cortney Burke, Ginger Cardoza and James Hoak, with the help of Casey Franks, Kelly Capps, Janelle Bryson SUSD CBO and Dr. Lori Grace, SUSD Superintendent

Our Contributors

  • Vincent Communications Inc.
  • Jeff Barrios – PBK
  • Richard Spencer –  Spencer Enterprise
  • Northern CA Carpenters Regional Council Issues PAC
  • Vermilion Resource Management Inc.
  • Darden Architects
  • Robert V. Jensen, Inc.
  • Bush Construction
  • Bulrad Enterprises, Inc. (Cabinet Connection)
  • Heyer Gutierrez, LLP
  • The Sierra Foundation
  • Cash Donation – Connie Schlaefer

Thank You! Our campaign raised $21,000

Thank You to our Contributors!

for supporting Saving Sierra High Measure U

This website is paid for by the “SUSD Saving Sierra High Measure U Committee”.

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